Underlying Philosophy of Education

All curriculum and classwork has an underlying philosophy of education, the rol of children in society as future citizens, and complex ideas that lead to philosophies that define our work.

Five Philosophers

Further on the four philosophies click on following link:

Four educational philosophies

Whole Child Approach

Curriculum Approach Learning through Literature

Learning through Reading in the Preschool Class

An interesting and great method to use with children in preschool children is to approach reading through whole class presentation of the story, vocabulary and characters.  The idea behind such a method is learning by becoming involved with the story line and participating with the story telling with a focus on comprehension.

The following video is a demonstration of a class that uses such a method.  This video is of Oxford Reading Tree.

Nursery  and Pre-K Level Class

Kinder Class

Prep Class

Class activity to follow up:

Study each video carefully.  Create a chart and take notes on different techniques for each level. 
Email me your finished chart to: teachernella@gmail.com

Happy Studying!

Rethinking Curriculum

Education in Finland 
The Importance of the Teacher, 
Community and Child Centered Education


Preschool Education and Finland

More on Finland...

Education in Singapore
 Excellent Teacher Training 

Japan Redesign of Preschool Life

Changing Education Paradigms

Creativity and Schooling

Further Analysis:

1.  What do you think of your national preschool education system and curriculum compared to Finland, Japan and Singapore?
2.  What are the strengths of your national preschool education system?
3.  What are the weaknesses of your national preschool education system?
4.  Do you believe there is enough play in your preschool national curriculum?
5. Do you believe there is enough creative movement and dance in your preschool national curriculum?
6.  Do you believe there is enough creativity in your preschool national curriculum?
7.  What improvements would you like to see in your classroom as a teacher? 
8.  What international, innovative or traditional ideas would you like to discuss as worth rescuing?

Email me your analysis to: teachernella@gmail.com 


Movement in the Early Childhood Classroom

Children need to move in class!  It is not natural, not even for adults to sit for hours.  Children need to move and be comfortable.  Let them stand, move and lay on their tummy while in class! 

This video is an excellent short view on the idea of the mobile child in the classroom.

Some great ideas to include movement throughout the preschool day:

Introduction to Curriculum

Why is Curriculum Analysis Important to Preschool Teachers?

On a working definition...

Curriculum class group definitions after first video:

Another Video to consider:

Presentation: Curriculum, Concepts, Nature and Underlying Purposes of Curriculum

Websites and digital publication:



Birbili, M. (2007). Making the Case for a Conceptually Based Curriculum in Early Childhood Education. Early Childhood Education Journal, 35(2), 141-147.

Leaton Gray, S., Scott, D., & Mehisto, P. (2018). Curriculum Reform in the European Schools Towards a 21st Century Vision (1st ed. 2018.. ed.). Cham: Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.

Wood, Elizabeth, & Hedges, Helen. (2016). Curriculum in early childhood education: Critical questions about content, coherence, and control. Curriculum Journal (London, England), 27(3), 387-405.

Reading and Writing Readiness

On Supporting Parents as Children Embark on the Reading and Writing Process

Parents are often nervous about their children embarking on the reading and writing process.  It is important to reassure parents that they must not worry, and that each child will learn at her own pace.  

Reading and writing readiness is supported from the most simple of  home life activities.  Activites such as:

1.  Reading to the child daily.

2.  Plenty of outdoor play to strengthen the mind and body neurological connection.  Additionally, to develop a strong spine and centre, and overall physical endurance.

3.  Spontaneous dance and movement to allow the child to reinforce natural developmental needs.

4.  Personal hygiene is a huge challenge for the child that supports readiness for writing skills.

4.  Remember that play is how the child learns the most.

Following is a link for the class Presentation for Teachers to share with Spanish speaking parents

Link: Class Presentation on Supporting Parents on Readiness for Reading and Writing (Spanish)