Music in the Preschool Classroom

Music in the Preschool Classroom

Music Learning for the Preschool Classroom

Music in Early Years

Music & Movement / Preschool and Toddlers

Steady Beat in the Classroom

TedEx: Music and the Child's Brain

Process Art in Preschool Education

 Process Art in Preschool Education

How Arts Benefit Children

Art Centers

How to Teach Art to Preschoolers

Process versus Product Art in Preschool

Teaching Tips

Creativity Takes Courage

Arts and Improvisation in the Preschool Class

 Arts and Improvisation in the Preschool Class

Resources for Dance Improvisation:

Creative Movement and Dance - Teaching Strategies

Creative Movement Dance Lesson

Resources for Music Improvisation:

Shakers Improv

Xylophone Improvisation Ideas and Procedures for K-5, 

An Elementary Music Orff Lesson with Mr. S

Arts Integration in the Preschool Classroom

 Arts Integration in the Preschool Classroom

Art integration

Math and Music

Kindergarten  Art integration

Language and Creative Movement Integration

Movement, Art, Learning in Education (Waldorf Education)

Multiple Intelligences Theory and Education Through the Arts

 Multiple Intelligences Theory

 and Education Through the Arts

General Video about MI Theory

Arts and MI Theory


  • Davis, Katie; Christodoulou, Joanna; Seider, Scott; Gardner, Howard (2011), "The Theory of Multiple Intelligences", in Sternberg, Robert J.; Kaufman, Barry (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence, Cambridge University Press, pp. 485–503, ISBN 978-0521518062

  • Demetriou, Andreas; Raftopoulos, Athanassios (2005), Cognitive Developmental Change: Theories, Models and Measurement, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0521825795

  • Demetriou, A.; Mouyi, A.; Spanoudis, G. (2010), "The development of mental processing", in Overton, W. F. (ed.), The Handbook of Life-Span Development: Cognition, Biology and Methods, John Wiley & Sons, pp. 36–55, ISBN 978-0-470-39011-5

  • Gardner, H. (2004), Changing Minds: The art and science of changing our own and other people's minds, Harvard Business School Press, ISBN 978-1422103296

  • Howard-Jones, Paul (2010), Introducing Neuroeducational Research, Taylor & Francis, ISBN 978-0415472005

Developing Creativity in Early Childhood Education



and Early Childhood Education

    As we work with children in early childhood, we teach children structure, habits, routines and discipline.  There are moments within that structure that children need freedom and time to explore their own creative minds and unique problem solving skills.  Each child is unique and unrepeatable.  Their ability for deep, original thought is unlimited and unknown.  As we teach children it is important to not forget the possibility of cultivating creativity.  After all, how can our students change the world without their own creative streak of original thought?

Presentation on developing creativity:

Video Library:

Creativity in Early Childhood

Why do we need creativity

Working with Children- Creative activities

TedEx: Creativity in the Classroom

Teaching Resources and Ideas:

Cool Art Project-Picasso Art Shape project:

Writing and Conversational  Open Topics: 

Useful Reading:

Developing young children’s creativity: what can we learn from research?

Creativity in childhood: The role of education 
O'Connor, D. (2012). Creativity in childhood: The role of education. 8th Global Conference: Creative Engagements Thinking with Children. 

Children’s Creativity: A Theoretical Framework and Systematic Review

  • Elisa Kupers,
  • Andreas Lehmann-Wermser, 
  • Gary McPherson, 
  • Paul van Geert


    Healing Through the Arts

    Have you ever felt like your struggling a little bit and can not really pinpoint why? Have you ever felt indescribable joy and wish you could feel it and enjoy it to its maximum? Have you ever felt extremely confused? Sad? Angry? Hurt? Traumatized? Depressed? Happy? Motivated? Excited?

    Our thoughts, feelings, ideas, interpretation of the world- all matter.  Yet it is difficult perhaps  to explore these things openly.  Sometimes in daily routines people -even teachers and children- can walk around trying to survive the challenges of the day with loads of heavy emotional baggage.

    Through the arts we can explore these emotions and ideas in a safe and personal way.  We can self-heal ourselves by engaging in conversation with our own minds and emotions.  We can self-heal and calm ourselves through art.
    For children this is extremely important as feelings are new and hard to describe.  Language is still limited for the developing preschool child.  In the preschool stage children are truly challenged to become independent and skilled in multiple areas.  This process is stressful and can be painful at times. Understanding emotions and feelings is a life-long challenge.  For children to discover that they can self-soothe themselves through art exploration is a powerful and healthy way to begin to learn healing through the arts. 

    Teachers also greatly benefit from the therapeutic and creative exploration through the arts as they face challenging lives in the professional and personal arenas.

    Very simple activity ideas for healing through the arts in the preschool classroom:

    Healing through the Arts Music
    One simple activity is to have children sit in a circle with eyes closed and listen to music in silence.  After listening to a minute of the piece the teacher may ask the students if they want to discuss how they feel.  This can be done with several different musical pieces.

    Healing through the Arts Dance
    Dance out my feelings.  Free dance moments in class with varied musical pieces is good for the mind and body.  It is a great break or transition activity in class.  

    Healing through the Arts Coloring Activity
    Provide students with a heart outline.  Color the heart and identify what each color means to you.

    Additional resources: