Dramatic Play and
Theatre in Preschool Education
Importance of dramatic play
Puppet Theatre and Preschool
This portfolio began as a project with Arizona State University during my teacher certification studies, it has sections with samples lesson plans and micro lesson demonstrations. I have continued this project as I became a professor and it became a good platform to share content with my students in an organized way.
Dramatic Play and
Theatre in Preschool Education
Puppet Theatre and Preschool
Dance in Preschool for creativity,
curriculum integration
and healing through therapy
Creative Movement in Preschool
Music in the Preschool Classroom
Music Learning for the Preschool Classroom
Music in Early Years
Music & Movement / Preschool and Toddlers
Steady Beat in the Classroom
Process Art in Preschool Education
How Arts Benefit Children
Arts Education in Support of Numeracy and Literacy