3. Edited Listening/Speaking Lesson Plan with Technology

Listening and Speaking Lesson Plan

Professor: Marianela Rodriguez

Topic: Family Members
Basic Plan

Micro Lesson Video Link: https://youtu.be/A4WX9qPkiCY


Lesson Objectives
-Board Family Tree Chart
-The Family Book by Todd Parr
-TV screen with access to YouTube
-Main Idea and Details Chart
-Classmates Names Chart

-The students will summarize the audio narration of the story, The Family Book by Todd Parr by answering comprehension questions.
-The students will be able to identify the main idea and the details of the narration while filling out a chart.
-The students will be able to identify family members vocabulary on a family tree chart.
-The students will be able to identify classmates´ family characteristics after speaking to individual classmates about their presentations.

Warm-up and Objective Discussion
Students recall prior knowledge by working with family member vocabulary and board chart of a family tree. 
1.Review family members vocabulary: me, brother, sister, father, mother, grandpa and grandma with pictures searched and found online.  Teacher will have children look up the vocabulary word on their devices. Children will save the image to use as flashcards afterwards.
2. Follow up with the family tree.  This activity is an introductory one to the listening activity assisting the student to understand the general topic and vocabulary.
Explain to students that they will listen to a story about different types of families, and by the end of the week each classmate will make a presentation about his or her families and how each family is unique.  Emphasize the importance of listening carefully to the narration of the story and their classmates ´presentations.

Instruct and Model

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The students will listen to the story the audio narration of the story, The Family Book by Todd Parr narrated by Sherri.  Model writing notes on the board about main points of the story.  Review content with students by answering comprehension questions as a whole group activity

Create a large main idea and details chart on the board to model to the students how to fill out the chart.

Guided Practice

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The students will listen to the audio narration a second time and work in pairs with a classmate to speak and analyze the story´s main idea and details.  The students will fill in a Main Idea and Details chart together after agreeing on the best responses.
Pronunciation Moment
Pronunciation: Take a moment to speak about ending e: cake, make, bake, tape, lake, etc.  The vowel becomes a long vowel sound and the e is silent
Use flashcards of vocabulary for demonstration and practice.

Independent Practice

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Teacher modelling: Model to students how to use a mind palace to remember their families and details of their families.  The mind palace could be walking through their house in their mind and picturing family members in different rooms and areas of the house.
Each student will prepare a short presentation about his or her family to present in class.  Students can try the technique of a mind palace to remember details to present and family members to talk about.


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Students will pair up with a classmate I assign.  They will both speak about their families and take notes about their classmate´s family.  The students will have to be very interactive and proactive, because at the end of the activity each will present to the whole class- but, they will present about the family of their classmate!  Teacher will motivate students to use mind palaces, drawings and/or notes to jog their memories and assist recall of what was spoken with classmate.  The student will record their presentation on video and upload videos to class YouTube Channel.

Micro Lesson:

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