4. Technology-Enriched Listening/Speaking Lesson Plan

Listening and Speaking Lesson Plan

Professor: Marianela Rodriguez

Topic: Farm Animals
Basic Plan


Lesson Objectives
-Farm Animals Chart
- The Noisy, Noisy Farm by Stephanie Stansbie
-Farm Animals Picture Book
-Farm animal toys
-TV screen with access to YouTube
-Main Idea and Details Chart
-Classmates Names Chart
-The students will summarize the audio narration of the story, The Noisy, Noisy Farm by Stephanie Stansbie by answering comprehension questions.
-The students will be able to identify the main idea and the details of the narration while filling out a chart.
-The students will be able to identify farm vocabulary from chart.
-The students will be able to retell a classmate´s On the Farm story written and presented by a classmate.

Warm-up and Objective Discussion
On the board have students recall prior knowledge by working with a board chart of a Farm.  Review farm vocabulary and check on prior knowledge.  This activity is an introductory one to the listening activity assisting the student to understand the general topic and vocabulary.
Explain to students that they will listen to a story about a farm, and by the end of the week each classmate will make a presentation about a story they will write about a farm. Emphasize the importance of listening carefully to the narration of the story and their classmates ´ presentations.

Instruct and Model

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The students will listen to the story the audio narration of the story, The Noisy, Noisy Farm by Stephanie Stansbie.  Model writing notes on the board about main points of the story.  Review content with students by answering comprehension questions as a whole group activity. 
Audio link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJsRQZkodTE

Lead students through comprehension questions. Create a large main idea and details chart on a Piktochart projected on the screen to model to the students how to fill out the chart. (This is a Technology enriched activity, using Piktochart instead of board and markers as a substitution activity).

Guided Practice

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The students will listen to the audio narration a second time and work in pairs with a classmate to speak and analyze the story´s main idea and details.  The students will fill in a Main Idea and Details chart together after agreeing on the best responses.

Pronunciation Moment
Pronunciation: Take a moment to speak about ending y sound sounding like short i.
Use flashcards of words such as: family-Mary-fairy-happy-honey
If time permits this video can be included: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-0mneOQw1k

Independent Practice

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Teacher modelling: Model to students how to use a mind palace to remember the farm animals and details about them.  The mind palace could be walking through an imaginary farm in their mind and picturing different farm animals in different areas of the farm.
Each student will prepare a short presentation about an invented On the Farm Story.  Students can try the technique of a mind palace to remember details to present the farm story.


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Students will pair up with a classmate I assign.  They will both speak about their On the Farm Stories and take notes about their classmate´s story.  The students will have to be very interactive and proactive, because at the end of the activity each will present to the whole class- but, they will present about the story of their classmate!  Teacher will motivate students to use mind palaces, drawings and/or notes to jog their memories and assist recall of what was spoken with classmate.

Micro Lesson:

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